Why IS Hotel Laminate Furniture Trendy In The USA?

One of our customers told us that laminate furniture is trendy in the USA, especially for boutique hotels, such as the Super 8, motel 6, holiday inn, choice inn, and home inn. He is confused about why these hotels will use that furniture. As a professional furniture manufacturer, we know the reasons. Please keep reading; you will get more knowledge regarding laminate furniture.

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What is the laminate furniture?

Laminate furniture is also called HPL furniture, and its full name is high-pressure laminate furniture. The laminate is a composite material made from paper and resin pressed at very high pressure. The surface will have a wood grain (oak, rosewood, koa, ash, etc.) and different colours. It’s a clear protective coating. If you need to unique design like the shape, the laminate furniture doesn’t suit it because the edging for the laminate is always going straight.

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Why are hotels keen on laminate furniture?

The laminate finish is different from the wood veneer finish; the most significant difference between both is the surface; the previous one is no lacquer paint treatment, it’s simple, and the manufacturing step is easy. But the latter has lots of steps like sanding and painting treatment. It’s more complicated than the laminate finish, so the cost is higher than it. Do you know what the advantages of laminate furniture are? The below texts will tell you about that.

1. With fire resistance, heat resistance and scratch-resistant.

2. Suitable for case furniture.

3. Different outlook, wood grain, marble, pure colour, fabric, and metal.

As all we know, the hotels we mentioned are the 3-star hotel, which is the so-called economy hotel. With the development of the times, Guests are eager to find a cheap and harmonious hotel to stay in; the economy hotel is their destination. These hotels are low cost and have a comfortable environment, so it’s getting prevalent, not only in the USA but also in India, the Middle East, and Asia.

Hotel owners need their investments to make profits ASAP; after all, Roman was not built in a day. The laminate furniture is easy to install, so they spend less labour.

For hotel furniture manufacturers: The manufacturing step for the laminate furniture is simple, the lead time for these products is concise, if the materials are enough, they can make an entire room within two days.

In conclusion, laminate furniture is mainstream around the 3-star hotel field. It gives a cost-effective result for guests and gains the inventment return in a short time for the hotel owners.

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